Latam BIM Network

It is an organization formed by representatives of the public sector of Latin American and Caribbean countries, currently composed of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay. The Latam BIM network has the objective of increasing the productivity of the construction industry through digital transformation, accelerating national BIM implementation programs through collaborative work that favors and promotes common guidelines, commercial exchange and knowledge in the region.


Recent News

¡Impulso BIM en Latinoamérica! El 14º Encuentro de la Red BIM Gob Latam marca un nuevo capítulo desde Costa Rica

Del 26 al 29 de agosto, representantes de la región se reunieron en Costa Rica para avanzar en la adopción del Building Information Modeling (BIM) y la digitalización de...

Chairmanship REDBIMGOBLATAM 2024 -2025

We are celebrating a new term of presidency 2024-2025.

We are grateful to Pamela Hernández for her efforts.

End of presidential term 2023 – 2024.

+ news

General Statistics

Network Documents


Latam and regions

Active countries of the Network


Latam and regions

Document downloads


Latam and regions

Countries members of the Latam BIM network

Argentina Brazil Chili Colombia Costa Rica Mexico Peru Uruguay

Thanks for visiting us! If you need to contact representatives of our organization, write to us at