What is the Latam BIM Network?

The BIM Network of Latin American Governments is an organization that brings together eight countries in the region. (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay) in a collaborative effort to accelerate national digital transformation processes, by targeting the implementation of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the construction sector.


The Latam BIM network has the objective of increasing the productivity of the construction industry through digital transformation, accelerating national BIM implementation programs through collaborative work that favors and promotes common guidelines, commercial exchange and knowledge in the region.

Specific objectives

  • Promoting learning about the implementation of BIM by members of the Network.

  • Spreading the benefits of BIM to achieve conviction of decision-makers.

  • Agreeing on a common conceptual basis that promotes regional alignment for the adoption or creation of BIM standards and protocols.

  • Boosting the use of tools that encourage transparency and traceability in public projects.

  • Maximizing resources through collaboration and knowledge transfer between countries.


Support and financing

The Network currently has support and co-financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The member countries contribute resources in kind equivalent to 50% of the assigned amount, represented in personnel, equipment and institutional relations.

A Regional Public Good (BPR) was granted with a term of 3 (three) years. December 2019-December 2022.

In March 2022, the extension of the BPR is granted until December 2023.

Member countries contribution
Regional Public Good-IDB


The Network partners (countries) will work together to develop actions, common strategies and other content, generating Outputs that will serve as advisory, informative and dissemination support for the fulfillment of the Network’s objectives.

The governmental organizations that are part of this initiative are represented by government functionaries who are in charge of carrying out the implementation in their respective countries.

The Network is governed by a statute, whose objective is to regulate the scope, application, conformation and operation of the Latam BIM Network, for the achievement of the goals and objectives set out by that initiative.

This statute has been signed in November 2019, giving formal start to the Network and updated in November 2021.

Organizational structure:


Current President 2024-2025

Ricardo Morales Quirós

BIM Management/Design Unit Coordinator

Directorate of Educational Infrastructure – Ministry of Public Education

Member of the Interinstitutional Commission BIM (CII BIM)

The President is elected by the Board. The designation is for a one-year term and, in addition to the tasks of supervision and organization in order to achieve the technical, administrative and financial objectives, represents the Network and the Board in all aspects.


The governance of the network is regulated by the Board , which is ultimately responsible for the achievement of the objectives set by the Network.

It is integrated by representatives (titular-Adjunct and/or Substitute) from each member country.

The Board meets every month in order to verify the progress and/or pending issues of the network, according to the established planning.


The Coordination supports the Board and the presidency in the monitoring and annual management of the projects, the fulfillment of the network’s schedule and objectives, technical, administrative and communication tasks, as well as support to the Network’s working groups.

Working Groups

The working groups are formed with the purpose of developing the thematic areas prioritized by the Board.

Integrated by representatives and participants, who are officials from each country, led by a designated spokesperson.

The working groups meet bimonthly in order to move forward with the planned actions and Outputs

  • Interaction with other public networks Working Group
  • Interaction with private networks Working Group
  • Strategies and Handbook Working Group
  • Human Capital Formation Working Group
  • KPIs Working Group
  • Communications Strategy Working Group
  • Common Standards Guideline Working Group

How to join the Network?


The country interested in joining the Network must have at least one public institution interested in the promotion of the BIM methodology by the National or Local Government.

Each institution must send a written request to the Board specifying:

  • Motivations to join the Network, indicating the category of membership you aspire to.

  • Level of progress of BIM in the public sector of the respective country, indicating what is the projection of BIM implementation at governmental level in the next five years, in the following aspects: Human Capital; Enabling Technologies; Standardization; and Governance/Institutionality.

  • Name and description of the representative government institutionthat will join the Network.

  • Names, positions and institutions to which the representatives belong – titular, adjunct and substitute, the last one if required.

  • It should also include presentations or documents referring to public policies on digital transformation in buildings and/or infrastructure in the applicant country.

  • The Board will ensure that there is only one official representation per country.

Request Information

Countries members of the network

Argentina Brazil Chili Colombia Costa Rica El Salvador Mexico Peru Uruguay


SIBIM- Ministry of Public Works, Government of Argentina.


BIM BR Strategy, Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services (MDIC), Government of Brazil.


Planbim, Corporation for the Promotion of Production of the Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism. Government of Chile.


National Planning Department and Transportation Infrastructure Planning Unit. Colombia Government

Costa Rica

BIM Interinstitutional Commission, Ministry of Public Education and Costa Rican Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers (AyA).

El Salvador

Ministry of Public Works of El Salvador


Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, Government of Mexico.


Peru BIM Plan, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Government of Peru.


National Corporation for Development (CND) and Ministry of Transport and Public Works.