Working Groups

In order to achieve the goals and objectives established by the Network, as well as the realization of the established outputs, working groups are made up of representatives and participants, who are functionaries of each country, led by a designated spokesperson.

The Network members work together to develop activities, common strategies and other content, generating products that serve as advisory, informative and dissemination support for the fulfillment of the Network’s objectives.

The Working groups meet bimonthly to move forward with planned actions and outputs.

Interaction with other public networks Working Group


  • Spreading knowledge and actions of the Network and its members through interaction with public entities in other countries.
  • Learn from other countries and apply that knowledge in the BIM development of the members of the NETWORK.
  • Articulate actions with public entities, and regional and global networks in order to promote the implementation of BIM in Latin America.


  • Active participation in the Global BIM Network.
  • Articulation with other Latin American countries for their incorporation to the Network.
  • Articulation with other countries, their public entities, and regional and global networks.

Member countries
Argentina, Chili and Colombia.


Interaction with private networks Working Group


  • Generating contact with different associations or organizations.
  • Sharing strategies or documents related to the implementation of BIM in the region and in the private sector.
  • Compiling data or obtaining a sample of the state of BIM in Latin America and worldwide.


  • Relationship with private entities that promote the use of BIM methodology.

Member countries


Strategies and Handbook Working Group


Generate a document whose objective is to function as a driving force and reference for the implementation of the BIM methodology at governmental level. By identifying the strategies and actions applied by the governments of the member countries of the Network in their implementation of BIM, the aim is to show the importance of their leadership from the public sector and to promote the adoption of BIM in the region.

Outputs and actions.

  • Agreement and definition of Network Objectives.
  • Baseline document of the Country Strategies and comparative.
  • Document compilation of the strategies and actions applied by the governments of the Network in their implementation of BIM (Handbook).

Member countries
Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia, Peru, Uruguay.


Human Capital Formation Working Group


  • Sharing experiences between countries of the Network through technical and strategic training for the deepening of knowledge.
  • Identifying common interests and differences in the implementation of BIM for the exchange of ideas of the methodology between countries.
  • Managing trainings in order to level the knowledge of the people that integrate the Network.


  • Development and organization of technical and strategic trainings.
  • Production and publication of associated videos of governmental interest open to the audience.
  • Development and publication of technical training modules for areas of government.

Member countries
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay.


KPIs Working Group


Establishing and agreeing on criteria and measurement of indicators of interest to the Network.


Criteria for measuring KPIs

Member countries
Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay.


Communications Strategy Working Group


  • Setting up a communication strategy and digital media in order to promote BIM good practices, the benefits of its implementation, and actions of the NETWORK.


  • Website.
  • Brand Manual.
  • Network Services- Document Management and Communication Management.

Member countries
Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru.


Common Standards Guideline Working Group


Producing a summary guide of the minimum standards that can be considered by the countries in the norms and/or guidelines associated with the implementation of BIM in their States, which promotes the common market of the construction sector in the region.


  • Summary document of standards analysis.
  • Register of ISO standards approved/adopted in the member countries of the Network.
  • Glossary of ISO 19650 terms.
  • ISO Standards Relationship Map (Classification/Labelling).
  • Guide for dissemination, including prioritization of minimum and optimal standards to be applied in each member country of the NETWORK.

Member countries
Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica,Peru, Uruguay.


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Countries members of the Latam BIM network

Argentina Brazil Chili Colombia Costa Rica Mexico Peru Uruguay