June 1, 2023
We would like to thank Marí Victoria Pasini, representative of Argentina and outgoing president of REDBIMGOBLATAM, for her time dedicated to promoting the NETWORK, with great commitment, dedication and enthusiasm. We continue to work and collaborate. Thank you Victoria.
7 de November de 2022
La Red BIM de Gobiernos Latinoamericanos invita a todos los interesados al seminario online gratuito a realizarse el 25 de noviembre 2022, donde se presentarán los avances 2022 de la implementación de BIM en Latinoamérica. En este seminario se expondrá...
CONTINUE READING >20 de November de 2024
In the construction and digital design sector, BIM (Building Information Modeling) methodology has revolutionized the way professionals approach architectural and engineering projects. However, with innovation also comes legal challenges around intellectual property rights.To delve into this topic, we spoke...
CONTINUE READING >6 de November de 2024
Figura 1: Proyecto estandarizado desarrollado por el equipo técnico del FNDE